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Medical Negligence Lawyers Brisbane | Be Heard, Be Helped

Have you been injured, poorly treated or let down by a healthcare professional? Our medical negligence lawyers in Brisbane can ensure those at fault pay for the damage and suffering caused.

Who can claim for medical negligence?

In Australia, healthcare workers must fulfil their ‘duty of care’ and legal obligation to avoid any actions or oversights they can reasonably anticipate might harm someone. 

By this definition, anyone has the right to make a medical negligence claim if they have been failed by their healthcare provider. 

If you’ve been let down by your treatment provider (including your doctor, surgeon or obstetrician), reach out to Rogalski Lawyers. We offer free, no-obligation case assessments and talk to each client directly from day one.

Get a FREE Claim Assessment

What does medical negligence compensation cover?

Each case is unique, and any compensation claim will depend on the nature of the accident. As a general guide, if you prove medical negligence, you may be eligible to claim for:

Pain and suffering

Medical expenses

Past and Future loss of income (including superannuation)

Compensation for care and assistance provided by loved ones due to the injury

Out of pocket expenses

If you believe that your medical practitioner has let you down and wish to seek compensation for your injuries, you’ve come to the right place. Book a free claim assessment with our medical negligence lawyers in Brisbane now.

Common Medical Negligence Cases

Examples of medical negligence may include: 

  • Failure to diagnose a condition
  • Surgical errors
  • Birth injuries to a mother of child
  • Surgical errors
  • Inadequate treatment
  • Treatment errors
  • Misinterpretation of test results
  • Failure to refer or order appropriate investigations into your condition

In addition to physical trauma and financial loss, the emotional aftermath of medical negligence can be equally devastating. If you’re feeling lost and need legal guidance, Rogalski Lawyers are here for you. Our team is caring, easy to talk to, and dedicated to supporting you through your recovery and claims process.

Do you really need a Medical Negligence Lawyer?

Dealing with the claims process without dedicated guidance can make a challenging situation even harder. Even though it might seem simple at first glance, some claims can get complicated fast, adding more confusion, expenses and worry than necessary.

Bringing on board an experienced medical negligence lawyer can ease the burden and provide the long-awaited relief you deserve. From filing your claim to negotiating settlements and representing you in court if necessary, Rogalski Lawyers will take care of everything for absolutely no upfront costs.

Enquire Now

We’ve helped hundreds of clients since 2018

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Surgeon said my husband had stage 4 mesothelioma. It was a very complex case, but Rogalski Lawyers made it easy for me to understand as a lay person. Everything was explained in detail and a very good result was achieved.

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Rogalski Lawyers  never set any unrealistic expectations. I was asked what I wanted to achieve and these expectations were met. Rogalski Lawyers always gave me the time of day. I was never made to feel silly when I did not understand the legal complexities.

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Everything went so smoothly. I never needed to ask for anything because letters were so regular. It was excellent. I was glad I went this way. I am very happy.

What is the Medical Negligence Claim process?


Medical Negligence Occurs

If you experience inadequate medical care, it’s critical to gather as much evidence as possible. Your out of pocket receipts, letters from treatment providers, photos of your injuries (if applicable), and any relevant documents can make a huge difference to your claim outcome.


Free Case Assessment

Our compensation lawyers can assess your case and determine if you are eligible for compensation for no upfront cost. We can meet you at your home, the hospital, our office or chat on the phone to talk through your situation. Your comfort, wellbeing and claim’s success is our top priority.


Initial Notice of Claim

You must serve an initial notice on the professional or facility you’re making a claim against. Strict time limits apply. Once they receive this notice, their insurance company must share all documents related to the medical services within one month.



Next, we request your medical records and any other relevant documents. This will assist when we seek the opinion of a medical expert in the field to confirm if the treatment you received met the right standard of care.


Commencing Your Claim

We can then serve a claim form on the treatment provider to commence your claim. This will prompt the treatment provider (or the insurer on their behalf) to commence investigations into the treatment that you received. Once their investigations are complete they will issue a formal response admitting or denying liability for your injuries.


Expert Examination

Once your condition or injuries have stabilised, we will arrange for you to be examined by a medical expert. These experts are trained to assess the nature and extent of your injuries.



We will prepare your matter to proceed to a settlement conference in an attempt to resolve your claim without involving the court. We only commence court proceedings if your claim is unable to be resolved through these negotiations and do so only if it’s in your best interest.

Want to know if you have a claim?

Our lighting-fast, user-friendly online claim checker can confirm if you have a valid claim.

Rogalski, the Silicosis Compensation Lawyers in Brisbane

Medical Negligence Claims FAQs

Will I have to pay any upfront costs to investigate my medical negligence claim?

We offer a no obligation free consultation to discuss your potential claim. You will speak directly to one of our senior lawyers.

Who will pay the lump sum compensation payment if I win?

Doctors and healthcare professionals are generally covered by insurance. Therefore, the insurer will pay any claim on their behalf.

Do time limits apply for medical negligence claims?

Yes. In Queensland, some claim forms must be lodged within a strict time frame following the incident. In addition to this, there is a three-year time limit from the date of the incident to file court proceedings. This time limit is strict. If you find yourself outside the general three year time limit, it may still be possible to bring a claim. We strongly recommend that you speak to us without delay.

Does medical negligence only happen in hospitals?

No. Medical negligence can happen anywhere that a healthcare professional is providing care, including, hospitals, doctors surgeries, dental surgeries, home visits, private health clinics, aged care homes, care homes and health spas.